
[pop music’s] creation and its performances were intended for no one particular. Its introduction to the public was a speculation on the part of all those involved that large numbers of people would sponsor it.

Nicholas Tawa (1980)

Found this quote via Carl Wilson’s excellent 331/3 book on Céline Dion.

Every Best Selling Album In The US, Organized By US Presidents (Because ‘Murica)

Every Best Selling Album In The US, Organized By US Presidents (Because ‘Murica)

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When I watched last week’s State Of The Union address, I had two thoughts: “Hey, those are a lot of great plans that Congress won’t pass,” and “Hey, I should organize every best selling album in the US by who was President was at the time, our readers would love that!”

We’re starting with Eisenhower in 1956 because that was the first year album sales were tracked in the US, and all this data…

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